

发布时间: 2024-05-08 02:12:50北京青年报社官方账号





As global financial markets become more interconnected, there is no singular banking institution that can deal with all of the issues within the local financial sector. Meanwhile, China's financial markets have become more open to international standards. This requires local financial institutions to understand how the rest of the world manages financial risks, said Apostolik.


As demonstrated by the prevailing practice of the past years, audit has significantly improved local debt risk prevention and control capability. This has helped set up a safety net and build a firewall to prevent and control local debt risks. This is highlighted by the effective and legal use of "three key measures" as follows:


As a national professional exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and the Dalian government, it has attracted more than 800 enterprises from different countries and regions, including the US, Denmark, Canada and Japan.


As a result, by 2025, around 18 percent of mobile connections will be running on 5G networks. Meanwhile, 4G mobile technology will account for more than two-thirds of connections in Asia by 2025, increasing from 52 percent of that in 2018.


As a 5,000-year-old civilisation that has famously contributed, among numerous ideas and innovations, the "four great inventions", a phrase coined by British sinologist Joseph Edkins to refer to paper-making, the compass, gunpowder and movable-type printing, China has continued to make major breakthroughs in innovation in modern times. Since the founding of the New China, especially since reform and opening up, China has contributed most notably artemisinin (anti-malaria medicine), synthetic insulin and hybrid rice, and is leading the world in the new round of scientific revolution featuring artificial intelligence, electric vehicles and 5G communication technology.


